While greeting cards are often sent out on special occasions such as birthdays, Christmas, or other holidays like Halloween, they are also used to express gratitude or to express other feelings (such as condolences or hope for a cure). The custom of sending greeting cards can be traced back to the ancient Chinese, who exchanged blessings at New Year's celebrations, and the early Egyptians, who passed their greetings on ancient Egyptian papyrus. (1) Whether you're celebrating an occasion or just missing a friend, a nice card makes a great keepsake. There are so many reasons to congratulate your friends and family in a lifetime that it can be hard to find a special greeting card for each one.
Greeting cards tend to be general in nature, so if you're sending good wishes to a friend or relative in a specific situation, the best way to show that you're thinking of them is to create a personalized greeting card that represents their situation.
In fact, more greeting cards are sent out during the holiday season than at any other time of year, including Valentine's Day and Mother's Day. Despite the increasing use of e-cards and social media to celebrate special occasions and holidays, the greeting card industry has shown amazing resilience. If someone you know appreciates such a beautiful birthday card, send it to them ASAP so they know how much you care. Heartfelt cards with long messages can sometimes be just what people need to cheer them up at the most inopportune moment.
1. Birthdays
2. Thank you
3. Thinking of you
4. Get well soon
5. I love you
6. New born / new puppy
7. Mother's Day / Father's Day
8. Congratulations
9. Condolences
10. Good luck
Which occasion do you prefer to send greeting cards on ? Let us know in the comments !